This is just crazy:
Consider the intersection of two busy streets, Ave and Blvd. Both streets have three lanes of traffic in each direction and medians separating the two directions of traffic. On Ave, about 50 yards before the intersection, in both directions, there is a cut through the median where cars can make a U-turn, and there are traffic signals to stop the Ave traffic for U-turners. On both streets, about 100 yards before the intersection, there are signs showing drivers how to make a left turn. The intersection has the expected traffic lights, but no left-turn lights.
This is the sign for left turns from Ave to Blvd. It tells the driver to be in the leftmost lane, go straight through the intersection, use the U-turn, then get into the rightmost lane and turn right onto Blvd. Whew!
And here is the sign for left turns from Blvd to Ave. Drivers must be in the rightmost lane, turn right onto Ave, then get into the leftmost lane and use the U-turn. Whew again!
Note that unless you're familiar with the intersection, you don't know until you see the sign whether to be in the leftmost or rightmost lane to begin your left turn! What a nightmare for the drivers who don't do this every day.
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