Wednesday, January 4, 2023



I am not plagued by misinformation, despite spending hours every day online and on social media. It's not that difficult. You can do it, too. Here are some tips:

Don't believe anything liar-in-chief Trump says.

Stay well-informed. (I rely mainly on LATimes,, MSNBC, and CNN).

Only pay attention to news from legitimate sources.

That means don't click on any "news" items in social media, instead google the topic to see what trusted sources say about it.

And that means that social media won't feed you a lot of news or fake news items, because you don't click on them.

Be very skeptical of suspicious stories; check google and snopes. (I'm often the one debunking such items. It feels great.)

Added later: The Pro-Truth Pledge is worth reviewing.

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